Fork me on GitHub

Version control and testing: Where to go from here


Teaching: 5 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • Where to go from here?
  • Get directions on how to continue learning Git.

Where to go from here

We have now learned the essentials of Git, i.e. how to make commits, how to work with branches, how to merge and how to resolve conflicts.

But there is more to learn, and here are additional lessons that you can browse through on your own after the workshop:

In addition, there is a whole lot to learn about how to work collaboratively with other people on the same projects using Git:

  • Collaborative distributed version control
    • How can we share repositories with others?
    • How can we keep repositories in sync?
    • How can we collaborate with people who we might not know yet?
    • What is a fork?
    • What is a pull request or merge request?
    • What is code review?
    • How do teams collaborate on GitHub or GitLab or Bitbucket?