Announce that Zoom chat can be used for questions but that the content will be deleted afterwards.
We will use a hackmd for questions/notes/links that we want to keep.
We will neither record the session, nor archive the chat.
Instructor gives a tour of hackmd which contains a list of participants’ initials.
Ice-breaker: ask participants to use their real name on Zoom,
roll-call for participants to write their name in the hackmd, their
experience with HPC, instructor writes the first line to
show what we expect here and also explains how hackpads work.
About PDC
Founded in 1990 to provide HPC computing and storage resources,
together with advanced system and application support, to Swedish
academic researchers.
Main HPC system at PDC is
a Cray XC40 with a peak performance of nearly 2.5 petaflops
We also have a smaller heterogeneous cluster called
used for pre- and post-processing, courses and smaller projects.